Spring has Arrived, Finally!

Ok, so the fact is I’ve been away from this page for a while, a really long while.

I miss writing.

I believe there is a similarity to this time of year where we long for sunshine and flowers and for winter to be put in the rear view mirror.

I thank God we haven’t had the snow the northeast has had. For all of you who have had a harsh winter, and to everyone else, Happy Spring! Sunshine and green and flowers and all that goes with it is just around the corner if you’re not experiencing it yet.

Talk to you soon!

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Do You Ever Wonder?

Sometimes I just like to get out and drive.

I hit the open road for an hour or more and go back home.

I love the anticipation of what I may see around the next corner.

I love to see the way certain light makes ordinary things glow.

And I can’t help but wonder, when I see the older buildings, what lives have been lived here?

I know that their lives were so different from ours now.

Things were harder without the conveniences we have today, but then again,

they weren’t as distracted as we are now.

Do you ever wonder if, in some ways, they had it better then we do now?

I mean, indoor plumbing can’t be beat but what about everything else?

Stay Inspired

 I took this picture when walking around the Missouri Botanical Gardens with my daughter.

She pointed out this beautifully simple, non-flashy, yet stunning delicate flower that I probably would’ve otherwise passed by.

I hope you stay inspired!

To purchase a copy of this print, contact me through my Facebook page or email.

Beautiful Fall Morning

I woke to see the morning wrapped in a cold fog, winding around the trees

and hiding anything beyond a stones throw of my view.

I readied myself anyway and made my way through the fog to the park for a morning walk.

As the sun climbed higher in the sky, it slowy dissipated the soupy cloud.

Walking along, I caught a glimpse of natures ‘bling’.

I stopped and lowered my view to see the tiny droplets of dew in all of their beauty.

I carried on, walking along my path, bathing in the crisp air,

the smells of a fresh morning and enjoying for the moment the peace of being alone.

I looked down again this time to see a bright leaf on the exposed root of a tree.

The beauty in the colors and patterns intrigued me.

I sat myself down in the wet dewy grass and went in to capture the small scene.

Lost in my own little world, I was brought back by a rustling of feet through the leaves.

I looked up to see I had a curious visitor obviously wondering what I was doing.

Eventually, I thought it time to head back home, a lot of things on my list to be done.

It’s times like these, I wish that list could wait just a bit longer.

As I left the park on this crisp autumn day,

I was thankful for the warm, fleeting color,

knowing that it would all too soon be replaced with the chill of winter.

 I’m even thankful for the chill of winter

 it’s only with being aware and knowing that change is definate

that we can truely appreciate the little moments as they come.

I AM the Crazy Neighbor Lady!

A few months ago I was a bit bored and when I’m bored, I sometimes decide to find something around the house to take pictures of. While meandering around, I found a little dandelion in my front yard growing up against the landscape block in front of my house. I decided that since this little guy had somehow escaped the perfectionist yard tending of my detail oriented husband, G1, I would see about getting up close and getting some pictures of it. In fact, I had decided to see if I could somewhat, re-create this .

So I went and fetched a cup of water and G2 (my beloved camera) and proceeded back outside to my front yard. I glanced around,  saw that my neighbors all seemed to be inside, so I, a grown woman, laid down on my stomach, reached my hand in the cup, submerged it in the water, then pulled it out to sprinkle it on this tiny dandelion. Soon, as I was sprawled on the front yard, facing a block wall, G2 and I were snapping away, trying to find the ‘just right’ angle at which to shoot this little guy. I was in my own little artistic world, both creating and at the same time marveling at the intricate detail and the frail beauty of this God forsaken weed when suddenly I was pulled back, into the dimension of consciousness with the words “What are you doing?”

I, flat on my stomach, feet stretching towards the street, turned my head to see my neighbors, a nice, young couple standing next to each other in their driveway, her, with their precious one year old son in her arms, looking at their crazy neighbor lady with bemused smiles on their faces. Initially, I felt my whole body as well as what dignity I thought I had, cringe at the thought of how I must look. I clumsily got to my feet and stuttered out “T-taking a picture of a, a um, dandelion?”

They looked at each other, chuckled to each other as if their previous conversations about their “not right neighbors” were somehow backed up by this newest piece of evidence and said “Ok”. I, started laughing at myself (with them) and told them I’d email them the link to my picture. I promised them that as ridiculous as I know I looked, I hoped that they would see that something so tiny could be a thing of beauty. We ended with a good laugh as they took their son for a walk around the neighborhood.

Yes, I too think I am crazy at times but honestly, once I get past that initial cringe of self consciousness, I don’t care. I enjoy getting down and close up to things most pass by. It brings me peace, and reminds me of the beauty in all things, even the little ones.

The Family That Lived Outside My Door

I have been lucky to have a sweet family live outside my sliding glass door for the past several weeks.

I have watched their personal journey and felt at times like a giant gawker.

Here are the links to Post 1, Post 2, Post 3 and this is my last installment of the story of this miniature family.

I considered having a huge goodbye party like Oprah, but, well, didn’t want to detract any attention from her. After all, she had her show for 25 years, the Robirdsons haven’t been around quite that long.

When opening the squeaky screen door, one of the babies, who was considering leaving the nest, jumped ship so we were down to 3.


Then, just a day or two later, I could see that baby #2 was stretching his legs, trying to gather the nerve to make that big leap.

Then there were two. 

 While at work, the other 2 left. I came home to this:

We humans can become so self-absorbed that we, at times, forget about the other creatures we share this earth with. The Robirdsons are a family, different from ours yet the same. It truly makes me wonder if they are they more like us than we will ever know. After all, in the matter of a little over a month, the Robirdsons have had a family, cared for it, raised it and sent them on their way. It takes humans 20 years (more or less) to do the same thing.

I literally stare at my empty nest hanging outside my window and feel that bitter-sweet set of emotions. I miss seeing the little ones snuggling together all sweet and adorable and yet I know that this is what nature intends for every living thing.

Goodbye Robirdsons, thank you for sharing your precious family with me. Sorry if the goofy lady with the camera freaked you out at times but you reminded me that this world is full of wonders both big and small and they exist right in front of our eyes if we take the time to see them.

Thank you for that.

They’re Growing Up Quick

Days 5, 6 and 7 of the Robirdsons

If you missed it, here is my first post on the Robirdsons.

And here is my second post.

I will have one last post after this one about my little birdy family.

Seriously, I try so hard to stay away from this little family in my back window but I just love to watch them.

 Does this mean I need to get a life?

Um, nevermind, don’t answer that, it was a rhetorical question, I don’t think I really want to know.


These hungry little piglets seem like they grow by the hour.


We had a couple of days of damp and colder than normal weather and momma took her place on her nest in order to keep her babies warm.


I feel as though I am truly blessed having a front row seat to this little life event. 



It’s rare to see momma and pappa at the same time on the nest but I was happy to get the rare shot. 

Ok, now admit it, they are (finally) adorable!

 It’s getting close, I can feel it, they are getting old enough to go out on their own.


The Robirdsons – Day 4

 Here are a few pictures of the Robirdson Quads just 4 days after they were hatched.

If you missed my first installment of the Robirdsons, you can read it here.

Their feathers are starting to come in, and like human babies they eat and sleep a lot.

Notice in the picture below that Momma has a worm in her beak.

Momma and Daddy Robirdson fed them every half hour or so all day long. I am amazed at their stamina and dedication.

Dare I say they are approaching cute! 

My oldest daughter, now home from college for the summer, laughs at me everytime I climb on the kitchen chair to take pictures of these babies. She said “Mom, you are going to be crushed when they leave the nest.” I promptly explained to her with one daughter that goes away to college and is about ready to enter her senior year and another getting ready to go off to college, I am getting used to the feeling of my babies leaving the nest and am just enjoying them while they are here.